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Work in MICROINVEST: Developing Yourself, You Develop the World around You

In the morning when you enter the office, you are greeted with smiles. Warm relations in the team, where you spend a significant part of your life guarantee that everything is working out for you. Salary, career prospects, fun from work, and bonuses in the form of meal coupons, premiums, corporate events, paid birthday holidays, and even a pull-up bar in the office – that’s how they work in Microinvest and, if it suits you, you can work so too. A Company with 15 years of experience, a market leader with a good reputation, traditions, which appreciates the creative, positive, and energetic people, which supports every initiative and which is ready to rely on you even if you do not have experience. To start a career here means to set a high standard for yourself.

“I am happy to go to work, in a good mood, with a smile; I am glad to see everyone; it is nice that everyone is happy to see me. The day passes quickly and in the evening we often ask each other: “Is it six o’clock already?”, shares her impressions about the work Elena Domosan. Today she is the Senior Credit Expert at Riscani representative office in Chisinau; she already has her own team of 13 people, and she joined the Company only three years ago.

“That day I had three interviews,” recalls Elena, “I was looking for a job in the field of microfinance. I read a lot about those who specializes in this, including Microinvest. My first impression of the interview was very warm. I liked that they provide an opportunity to learn how to work from scratch, even if you already had some experience it still helped a lot later in your work. Even on your first day on the job, you feel as confident as if you’d been working here for years.”

Veronica Sirbu also remembered the day of the interview as if it was yesterday: “The HR Department officer who invited me for an interview was so nice to me, we had such a sincere dialogue that it seemed that I was already part of the team, that we have been working together for many years, although I’ve just graduated and came to get my first full-time job.”

Victor Focsa, Senior Credit Expert at Cahul Representative Office, unlike Elena, had no experience in the field of microfinance before joining Microinvest. However, three months after the interview, after completing the Induction program, he entered the office, which almost became his second home. “I was very well received by my colleagues; I do not remember that they turned cold shoulder on me or refused to advise at least once. It’s a tacit Microinvest tradition. We try to support it, not to leave newcomers high and dry. After all, they are our future colleagues: as we’ll meet them, in such an atmosphere we’ll work”.

Microinvest does everything in power to create a positive atmosphere. According to the same Victor, relations “boss – subordinate” in the classical sense, do not even exist here. Everything is simple, without ceremony; issues are resolved on a friendly note, and the holidays are held in the same way. Team buildings, workshops, at least three joint corporate parties per year, plus regional parties, at the branch level. There is a place to communicate, share experiences, relieve stress, and charge by positive energy.

“This year, each branch made funny movies about their everyday life, there were quests, mafia game, and sports competitions. Fairly recently, in the early autumn, the whole team, as many as 130 people from all branches of the country, collected grapes, and the wine that we will make from it, we will taste in the winter, at the New Year’s corporate party”, laughs Victor.

Veronica Sirbu, team leader of the Back Office team, speaks no less warmly about the relations in this large but friendly team. “There are a lot of things here that I really appreciate,” says Veronica. “It’s a young, energetic team, part of which I, fortunately, became. People who prove their responsibility every day; without this we could not achieve such results. And I am incredibly impressed that everyone here is ready to be heard, both the employee and the client. And each will receive an individual approach.”

Responsibility, creativity, and self-dependence. Microinvest trusts the flair and professionalism of its employees. This gives you the opportunity to build a career, and enjoy your work. Victor Focsa said that he was happy when he realized that colleagues believed in him, but he became even happier when he believed himself in the specific case of a particular entrepreneur. The client’s success became his success. Elena Domosan tells a similar story:  “I have excellent, friendly relations not only with the team but also with the customers; we support their business, become closer, we even congratulate each other on our birthdays. It’s a pleasure for us to see that the client with our help increased his profit from MDL 10,000 to MDL 50,000 in a short period of time!”

Investing so much in the development of its employees, Microinvest is inevitably developing together with them, which means that there are new jobs and a chance for those who are looking for a job that it would bring them a decent salary and pleasure, confidence in the future and their own abilities. Microinvest is waiting for the new colleagues not only in its offices in the capital, but also in the regions. Balti, Drochia, Edinet, Cahul, Causeni, Comrat, Floresti, Ocnita, Orhei, Riscani, and Soroca – approach to employees and to their comfort does not depend on locality. People, in their turn, are glad that they can work in conditions like in the capital, without leaving home. For example, some of the employees of the Cahul branch came from the surrounding villages.

Inhabitants of the capital work in some regional branches – someone of them likes to go there every day, and someone prefers to plunge into the atmosphere of another city for some time. The Company pays for the housing rent – why not to try something new, start living on themselves?

Olesea Cobzari, Head of the HR Department in Microinvest, always says to her potential colleagues: “You will get the fullest support in everything from the HR Department and more experienced employees. At all stages of your career, you will have all the necessary technical and methodological tools. You will find a team as young, talented and ambitious as you are, dynamic and interesting work. This is a chance to develop customers, your company, and yourself, contributing to the development of the country as a whole”.

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