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We knew something was missing! Microinvest is launching an APPLICATION. Download it right now!

What if you could get a loan 100% online from the comfort of your own home? Convenient, wouldn’t it? We knew something was missing to ensure our customers’ comfort and security in remotely accessing and managing their loans. That’s why we launched the Microinvest app to be even closer to hardworking people. Just download the app from Google Play or Apple Store and discover all our digital benefits, fast, convenient and, most importantly, safe.

By the way, good news: Microinvest application can be used by both current and new Microinvest clients. The benefits of Microinvest’s new digital tool are many, from applying for a loan remotely to tracking application status, active loans, payment history, and closing documents online. If we still haven’t convinced you to download our app today, let us tell you how useful and convenient it can be when applying for a loan.

Manage your loans anywhere and anytime with the new Microinvest app

In the modern world, time is the most important resource. Long queues, long travel times and complicated procedures can hinder the loan processing. Microinvest takes an important step towards digitalization by providing customers with a wide range of loan products that are now available in just one click. Whether you need a loan for business, renovation or personal needs, our mobile app can get you a loan quickly. Here are the main features of the Microinvest app:

  • Ability to apply for a loan online and check the status of the application right in the app.
  • Ability to remotely fill out loan documents and receive money directly to your account.
  • Quick access to financial information. The app provides instant access to basic active loan information such as amounts, payment schedule and payment history.
  • Receive personalized notifications. The app notifies you in advance of actions you need to take to access your credit, payment due dates, and other important events so you can manage your credit effectively.
  • The ability to stay up-to-date with the latest Microinvest offers and products.
  • Ability to remotely execute loan documents in partner stores.
  • Calculating loan costs right in the app and being able to apply for new loans. If you have already been remotely identified, the process becomes easier and faster, and you can compare the available offers to choose the most favorable financial solution. You can also view your credit limit in the app.
  • Easy access to Microinvest support team ready to answer any questions. If you need help or additional information, we are always at your service.

The new Microinvest app is your digital partner in credit management, providing flexibility, control and security right from your cell phone.

Download the app and take advantage of all our digital benefits!

Microinvest – loans for hardworking people.

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Acord consimțământul companiei O.C.N. Microinvest S.R.L., IDNO 1003600053518, să prelucreze datele mele cu caracter personal în scopuri de marketing și prospectare comercială, activitate desfășurată, inclusiv prin intermediul contractării terților prestatori de servicii în acest domeniu (apeluri telefonice, e-mail-uri, SMS-uri, notificări pe site sau în aplicațiile mobile ale companiei, publicității targetate în mediul digital sau mesagerii precum: WhatsApp, Viber, Messenger, Telegram, etc.).

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I agree to the processing of my personal data by NBFC Microinvest LLC, IDNO 1003600053518 for marketing and commercial purposes, activities carried out, including by concluding contracts with third-party service providers in this area (telephone, email, SMS, notifications on the website or in the company’s personal account, mobile applications, targeted advertising in the digital environment or messengers, such as: WhatsApp, Viber, Messenger, Telegram, etc.).

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Согласен/на на обработку моих персональных данных Н.К.О. Microinvest О.О.О., IDNO 1003600053518 в маркетинговых и коммерческих целях, осуществляемой деятельности, в том числе путем заключения договоров со сторонними поставщиками услуг в этой области (телефонной связи, электронной почты, SMS, уведомлений на сайте или в личном кабинете компании, мобильных приложений, таргетированной рекламы в цифровой среде или мессенджерах, таких как: WhatsApp, Viber, Messenger, Telegram и др.).<br><br>Это согласие может быть отозвано, как описано на странице «Политика конфиденциальности и файлы cookie» в разделе Права субъектов персональных данных.<br><br>Если вы не согласны, удалите галочку и нажмите «Продолжить».