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Responsible Lending – the Key to Success for Entrepreneurs! Interview with Olga Guzun, Head of Business Clients Department at Microinvest

Responsible lending in business plays an essential role in the long-term success and development of any company. From assessing repayment capacity to continuous monitoring of investments, responsible access to loan is a strategic step for the growth and development of any business. At Microinvest, we lend responsibly to entrepreneurs across the country, providing them with the support they need at the right time to effectively realize their growth plans.

In an interview with Olga Guzun, Head of Business Clients Department at Microinvest, we decided to explore the main recommendations for entrepreneurs in accessing business loans in a conscious and sustainable way, and how Microinvest supports this process through customized solutions and financial education.

  1. Olga, how could you define responsible lending in a business context?

Responsible lending in business means a careful and objective assessment of an entrepreneur’s repayment capacity. This includes analyzing the business’s financial situation, planned investments and growth perspectives. Our aim is to ensure that the financial support provided can be repaid without compromising the stability of the business, thus avoiding over-indebtedness. It is essential that every entrepreneur makes a conscious decision, turning loan into an advantage.

  1. What are the most important details entrepreneurs should consider before accessing a loan?

Accessing a loan is an important financial decision that can significantly influence the development of a business. It is therefore vital that entrepreneurs carefully analyze every detail and be well informed before taking this step. Among the most important aspects to consider are:

  • Determining the actual need for the loan and the exact amount needed.
  • Analyzing repayment capacity based on stable profit and cash flow.
  • Understanding the terms and conditions of the loan, including interest rates and other costs.
  • Anticipating the impact of the loan on the business in the short and long term.

Considering these issues will help avoid impulsive decisions. Loans will thus contribute to sustainable business growth without compromising financial stability.

  1. How does Microinvest help entrepreneurs make informed financial decisions and avoid over-indebtedness?

At Microinvest, responsible lending is more than just a principle – it’s a commitment to every client. We focus on providing tailored and transparent financial solutions, and every entrepreneur receives specialized financial advice from our loan officers to make informed decisions and avoid the risk of over-indebtedness. With this ongoing support, we ensure that every loan is a step for growth, not an obstacle. We analyze each client’s financial situation in order to offer them appropriate loan products, and we regularly monitor clients’ financial situation to prevent over-indebtedness. We also organize financial education seminars with a focus on responsible lending.

  1. What are the advantages of working with Microinvest for small and medium-sized businesses?

Working with Microinvest brings multiple benefits for entrepreneurs who want to grow their business. We focus on deeply understanding the needs of each business and offer flexible solutions tailored to the individual needs of each business. Through a personalized approach, Microinvest not only lends, but becomes a trusted partner in each client’s success. Here are some of the main advantages of working with us:

  • We offer financing solutions customized to the specific needs of each business.
  • We have simple and clear loan products, with customized payment schedules.
  • Our clients can benefit from a credit limit of up to 36 months, based on a financial analysis, at no cost and with minimal client involvement.
  • We have competitive and transparent terms and conditions.
  • We offer ongoing support and advice throughout the partnership, with a responsible and ethical approach to lending.
  1. How do you see the impact of financial education in entrepreneurs’ lending decisions? What customized tools and solutions does Microinvest offer to support clients in responsible loan management?

Without a doubt, financial education plays a major role in entrepreneurs’ lending decisions. Being well informed, entrepreneurs will be able to better understand financial concepts, manage their resources efficiently, and objectively assess the risks and benefits associated with lending. Financial education also helps to avoid over-indebtedness and maintain the financial stability of the business, making it easier to make informed decisions that support sustainable growth.

At Microinvest we focus on a responsible and personalized approach for each client, implementing this concept in our daily work. Each client is listened to and understood, and depending on the specifics of their business, financing plan and needs, flexible repayment solutions and repayment schedules are proposed, tailored to their financial capacity. We promote responsible loan management by offering ongoing financial counseling, both at the start of the partnership and throughout the collaboration. This approach helps clients to fully understand the terms and conditions of their loans, including interest rates and other related costs, and to develop effective debt management strategies.

*According to the National Bank of Moldova, Microinvest holds the largest loan portfolio among non-banking lending institutions in the country, with a market share of 36,3%, as of H1-24. About 68% of its portfolio is allocated to business clients, of which, over 44% to Agri sector. Microinvest is the only financial organization in Moldova that holds the international GOLD certificate in the field of client protection. This involves a responsible and transparent lending process, correct funding and a constructive approach to any request.

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