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Microinvest supports women entrepreneurs from Moldova in developing successful businesses at home

Did you know that more and more women are managing successful businesses in Moldova? Every year, the gender gap is practically disappearing in all fields of activity, and women are increasingly demonstrating their role in the economic and social development of our country. At Microinvest, we do not differentiate between male and female entrepreneurs. We support businesses across the country by offering favorable financial solutions when they need it, and together we enjoy great results.

As part of the international campaign organized by Microfinance Centre, “Borrow Wisely 2023”, one of the themes of this year is the integration of women in entrepreneurial activity. What are the challenges faced by women entrepreneurs in Moldova and how important it is to have a reliable partner for the development and growth of their business, learn from our clients’ feedback.

More than 2,300 women entrepreneurs from Moldova have expanded their businesses with Microinvest’s support

According to the Missing Entrepreneurs 2021 study, more than 9 million people in the EU and 35 million in OECD countries could start a business if given equal opportunity, of which nearly 7 million in the EU and about 26 million in the OECD are women. As part of the “Borrow Wisely 2023” campaign, MFC partners, including Microinvest, have set a goal to organize more outreach events on an international level, promoting the business development stories of women entrepreneurs and demonstrating the transformative impact of financial inclusion.

Natalia, Victoria, Valentina, Ekaterina and Valeria are just a part of Microinvest clients who realized their business ideas with our help and received appropriate financial solutions, consultations and support. Read on to find out how they describe their cooperation with Microinvest and how important it is to get financial support at the right moment to develop their business.

In 2002, Natalia Nerobelov together with her husband managed to start a company in Balti, specializing in the design and production of custom-made furniture. Microinvest helped them in developing the business, and today DBM creates unique furniture projects all over the country.

“We came to a point where we realized that our business wasn’t doing so well anymore and we needed to take a major step in growth. Making large investments with your own money is not easy, and financial support at the right time is important for success. With Microinvest we managed to create a stable and productive cooperation. They explained everything down to the smallest detail without leaving any hidden conditions, and we continue to work as efficiently to this day.”

Victoria Gulpe, Microinvest client and founder of Granoleya, which specializes in the production of granola of various varieties, has also been successful in launching and growing her own business.

“We studied the market in very detailed way before starting our small business. The most important thing is to have partners who believe in your idea and are willing to support you in its development. In the development of our idea, we received financial support from Microinvest, with the help of which we were able to purchase all the necessary equipment and increase our production space.”

Valentina Moscul and her husband turned to Microinvest for quick and transparent financial support. The farmers made an important investment in the development of their business by building two modern greenhouses using new technology, where they will be able to grow seedlings all year round.

“Microinvest believed in our idea. They came to us, analyzed it and within 2 days we received the money. Fast, professional, without any worries. Of course, we were scared at the first loan. I still remember now that we collected the money 2 months in advance so that we could pay it back as soon as possible. Then I realized that the most important thing is to invest it correctly and go to a good lender.”

Microinvest client Ecaterina Filimon turned her passion for a healthy lifestyle into a beautiful and “healthy” business by opening a Wov Market store specializing in the sale of exotic vegetables, fruits and other organic food products.

“We are lucky to have trusted partners like Microinvest by our side, who have supported us since we started the business. Thanks to their financial support, we were able to complete renovations on time and install modern refrigerators and display cases in our store for efficient product storage and ergonomic design.”

Brain Cafe is another business supported by Microinvest, which was founded by a young entrepreneur Valeria Bacos. After a trip to Italy, she was inspired by the diverse assortment of dried fruits and nuts sold in local stores. That’s how she got the idea to start her own business at home.

“Microinvest was our partner from the beginning and supported us every step of the way. The credit expert and the whole team saw the potential in us and helped us exactly when we needed it – in investing in goods, equipment, service vehicle and other elements important for the success of the business. We are very grateful and will definitely turn to them for further investment.”

Entrepreneurship has no gender, age or nationality. Anyone can start a business if they have a clear idea, a solid concept and an investment plan. If you are an entrepreneur, Microinvest can become your partner in development by providing reliable and favorable credit solutions for business development. Together we will contribute to the economic and social development of our country, without discrimination, responsibly and transparently.

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