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Make the Winter Holidays Special with Gift Ideas for Families, Kids, and Businesses

December is the time when the holiday spirit is in the air and everyone is waiting for gifts. We at Microinvest know how important it is to give your loved ones something that will bring a sincere smile and create a real holiday atmosphere.

This year, we decided to prepare not just gift ideas from our partners, but a whole set of opportunities to make the holiday unforgettable. Toys and bicycles from Robertino will fill the house with children’s laughter, equipment from EVOTEK will open new opportunities for your business, and a safe car from InterAuto will be a great choice for family trips. Read on to discover unique gift ideas and learn how Microinvest partners build their successful businesses. 


Store Robertino, a Microinvest partner, is the perfect place to find everything you need for kids under 10, especially during the holidays. Its story began in 2017 when young entrepreneur Alisa Racu, while on maternity leave, decided to sell her son’s car seat. “I noticed that the demand for such products is very high. I found suppliers with good prices and bought some car seats to sell online. That’s how the business I named after my son Robert came into being,” says Alice Racu, founder of Robertino and partner at Microinvest.

Today, the store offers a range of products from strollers, bicycles and car seats, to baby clothes, toys and many other accessories for girls and boys. At Robertino’s, you can choose not only a beautiful but also a necessary gift. “Every parent visiting our store will be able to find something special for their children for the holidays and feel the warm, family atmosphere. And with a new space of 700 square meters, we can delight our clients with an even larger variety of goods,” adds Alisa.

The collaboration with Microinvest has been part of Robertino’s success. “Our brand is happy to work with a company that helps parents choose the best for their children without any hassle. Each request is approved quickly and easily, saving time for both our clients and us,” notes Robertino’s founder. 


Since 2017, EVOTEK has been successfully helping businesses in the hospitality and wholesaler-retail sectors to find effective solutions by offering innovative technologies that become the foundation for sustainable business development and growth. “We are convinced that technologies are not just tools, but the foundation for achieving sustainable results,” says Nicolae Morei, Commercial Director of EVOTEK.

In the run-up to the New Year holidays, the demand for professional equipment traditionally increases. “In order to meet the demands of our clients as quickly as possible, we took care of filling our stock in advance. Today most of the equipment is already available, which minimizes the waiting time. Despite the high load during the holiday period, we maintain our usual fast delivery times and high level of service for each customer,” emphasizes Nicolae.

Microinvest remains one of the key partners of EVOTEK. “More than two years of cooperation allow our clients to buy equipment in installments on favorable terms. This is a great opportunity for businesses to invest in development without additional burden on the budget,” adds the Commercial Director. 


InterAuto has been in the Moldovan market for more than 20 years. “It is a family business started by my father, which my brother and I joined later. Back in the 2000s, he sold his personal car and earned a few hundred euros from it, then he did it again, and that’s how it started,” says Nicu Visan, InterAuto representative and Microinvest partner.

Today InterAuto has 8 parking lots in Chisinau and more than 1500 cars. “We have been cooperating with Microinvest for more than five years in the field of car loans and we appreciate this partnership very much. About half of our clients apply for a car loan through Microinvest and go home with the car of their dreams,” Nicu adds.

On the eve of the holidays, many people think about gifts. What about giving a gift for the whole family? “A comfortable hatchback or station wagon will be the perfect choice for family trips: whether it’s a vacation in nature or a visit to loved ones during the holidays, our fleet has exactly what you’re looking for,” notes an InterAuto representative.

While choosing gifts it is important to take into account not only their originality, but also their practicality. Gifts from Microinvest partners perfectly combine these qualities, offering unique and useful solutions for every occasion. Let your choice of gifts become a reflection of care and attention to your loved ones!

We wish everyone happy holidays and the most unforgettable moments! 

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