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Looking for a job to start your career? Find out the success stories of three young people who took the first steps in their career at Microinvest

The first steps in career play a key role in your development. From them, you get to know your chosen field, interact with your team and colleagues, and gain valuable experience that will help you become a true professional. The Microinvest team, a leading non-banking lending company, consists of more than 300 professionals who strive to develop together. Here, your career is not just a job, but a journey filled with opportunities and achievements.

Irina, Adrian, and Mihaela are three colleagues from #MiTeam who began their career at Microinvest. Today, they are thriving in different positions, which they have pursued with great enthusiasm. They confidently affirm that they chose the perfect job and company to kickstart their careers. Listen to their success stories and learn about how exciting and challenging their journeys have been.

From Graduates to Financial Professionals

As a graduate, the thought of your first job can be daunting, particularly given your lack of experience. Entering a completely new environment, filled with challenges and situations that may push you out of your comfort zone, makes it all the more crucial to have support to continue moving forward. At #MiTeam, we take pride in our ability to support the younger generation by offering training for those who wish to develop and grow alongside a young and dynamic team.

Irina, Senior Economist in the Funds and Reporting Department, began her career path at Microinvest and continues to grow and develop with our team today. She bravely accepted the challenge and started working as an Assistant Manager, a role that involves many responsible tasks. Irina is confident that this was the best decision, launching her career in the financial sector.

“I can confidently say that starting my career at Microinvest was a stroke of luck. Direct interaction with management, organizing meetings, and handling administrative tasks were my initial responsibilities. These duties not only contributed to my career growth but also helped me realize the importance of meticulous attention to detail in achieving goals. This understanding, over time, paved the way to my current position as a Senior Economist – a role filled with significant prospects and opportunities. I love my job and, particularly, our amazing team, within which we grow together.”

Adrian’s journey to becoming a Branch Manager at Microinvest began during university. He embarked on this path by enrolling in Microinvest’s Induction training program. After successfully completing it, he joined the team as a Loan Expert. Today, he oversees two secondary offices in the southern region, Cahul and Comrat, where he provides responsible financial solutions to entrepreneurs.

“I first discovered Microinvest during my university years. The company caught my eye with its exceptional opportunities for young professionals and its distinct approach to client and employee relations. Participating in the Induction program was my initial step towards career development. My determination and motivation quickly led me to become a part of the team. Along this journey, I’ve met many entrepreneurs, the driving forces of our country’s economic growth, providing them with essential funding. Now, I have the privilege of leading a team – a significant responsibility that further drives my motivation. I can confidently state that Microinvest is a place where you can forge a successful career in finance, thanks to its unique team culture and extraordinary people.”

Mihaela, Head of Back Office Unit, values Microinvest for its boundless opportunities for both professional and personal growth. It was at Microinvest that she had the chance to uncover her talents and skills as a credit administrator. The experience she accumulated enabled her to ascend to the position Head of Back Office Unit and to lead her team successfully.

“At Microinvest, my learning journey unfolded through hands-on work and navigating challenges. It wasn’t easy, but I experienced support and recognition from my colleagues from day one. The skills and competencies I developed have proven invaluable at every career stage. Notably, these abilities streamlined the loan paperwork and approval processes, ensuring both speed and compliance with internal regulations and procedures. My perseverance has led me to manage an entire unit, and I am profoundly grateful for beginning my career alongside such a dedicated team.”

Whether you’re a recent graduate or possess years of experience in the financial sector, enthusiasm is pivotal for a thriving career at Microinvest. Within our team, you are given the chance to contribute not only to the company’s growth but also to the broader development of the country. We’re committed to investing in our team’s training, offering a diverse array of programs to ensure members of the #MiTeam can develop the essential skills needed to fulfill our shared objective: to provide responsible lending services to diligent individuals.

Join our team! Explore opportunities on our Vacancies page and submit your resume to Start your successful career at Microinvest today!

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