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“In business, progress comes from the desire to move forward and the pleasure of work” – Igor Muntean, entrepreneur, Microinvest client

Twelve years ago, entrepreneur Igor Muntean founded the Noe Trans transport company out of a desire to offer comfort and safety to people wishing to travel. The company offers regular routes to France and Germany, providing passengers with modern and safe buses, as well as maximum comfort on the way. Throughout his activity, to develop his business and increase the comfort of his clients, the entrepreneur turned to Microinvest, where he received fast and responsible financing with an individual approach and a minimum package of documents.

Learn Noe Trans’s success story and experience of collaboration with Microinvest.

How did the idea of starting your own business come about and how have you been successful?

The idea was born in 2010 after an unpleasant experience as a passenger on the Chisinau-Moscow route. When I returned, I firmly told myself that I wanted to open my own business in this field. With the help of a loan, we bought a minibus and started working. We managed to attract a large number of clients with our quality service and special approach. Among the benefits were meals during the trip – an innovative service for the time. In 2012, I received an offer to go to Paris. I was impressed by their advanced infrastructure. This experience inspired me to expand my business and launch a route to Paris. My first bus was from 1993, I restored it and put it in good condition.

Since then, I have introduced many details that seem insignificant but are very important for a journey of more than a thousand kilometers. Now we have seven modern buses, and we don’t stop there. We continue to evolve to offer our clients the best service.

What is included in the cost of a Noe Trans bus ticket?

Tickets for our tours to Germany and France offer a wide range of benefits to ensure passenger comfort and satisfaction. First of all, we provide every passenger with a comfortable seat, and every ticket includes the option to take luggage up to 50 kg. Our buses are equipped with power outlets, USB ports and free Wi-Fi. There are attendants on each bus. They serve tea or coffee and a croissant every four hours, thus paying special attention to passengers’ needs. During the journey we also make scheduled stops in Romania and Hungary, where passengers can have lunch – this is included in the ticket price.

Tell us about your experience of cooperation with Microinvest and what you were able to achieve thanks to the loan you received?

We started working with Microinvest in 2015 and since then we have been regular clients, for 9 years. At that time, we were analyzing the market and looking for sources of financing, but many financial institutions refused us because we were a new company and required a large package of documents, which was time-consuming, and we needed quick funding. Microinvest turned out to be the company that believed in us. The expert and the whole team explained all the conditions to us and the procedure was much easier. After some time, we approached Microinvest again for a larger sum to buy two buses. Considering that we had a good credit history and payments were made on time, the loan was approved very quickly. I appreciate the speed and quality of service at Microinvest and would confidently recommend this company to all entrepreneurs as well as individuals.

What advice would you give to young people in Moldova who want to start and develop their business, given the experiences and difficulties you have gone through?

To grow a successful business, you have to constantly learn, especially now that there are so many publicly available sources of information. I, at the age of 37, am still studying and completing my master’s degree in law. It’s important to stay interested in new things, because every day there are many interesting innovations and opportunities. In any field, progress is made by wanting to develop and enjoying the work. In the first five years I worked as a driver, administrator and operator in my own business. Hard work and sleepless nights did not discourage me from moving forward because I love what I do. This passion has helped me overcome all obstacles and continue to grow. If you have an idea that you live by, that motivates you, and you are willing to work hard to realize it, you are bound to succeed. Especially with such reliable partners as Microinvest.

*Microinvest is the only financial organization in Moldova that holds the international GOLD certificate in the field of customer protection. This signifies a responsible and transparent lending process, fair and transparent financing, and a constructive approach to any request.

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