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How to Turn Green Energy Investments into an Advantage for Your Business? Interview with Ghenadie Cioinac, Founder of AGROELIT SRL, Microinvest Client

Sustainability is now a key pillar for business development, especially in the agricultural sector. Increasing energy efficiency, reducing environmental impact, and responsibly using resources are no longer just options but necessities for entrepreneurs who want a sustainable and competitive business. To support this transition to eco-friendly practices, Microinvest has launched the Green Credit, a financial product aimed at entrepreneurs who want to invest in renewable energy, energy-efficient equipment, and projects to protect the environment and reduce pollution.

A successful example of implementing such a solution is Agroelit SRL, an agricultural business founded by Ghenadie Cioinac, which has developed with the support of Microinvest. From humble beginnings, Agroelit SRL has grown through innovation and efficiency, becoming an important player in the agricultural sector. Recently, the company chose to take a strategic step towards sustainability by investing in solar panels and energy-efficient technologies, as well as developing eco-friendly crop cultivation technologies, benefiting from the Green Credit to reduce costs and increase productivity.

Next, we invite you to discover the success story of Agroelit SRL and how eco-friendly investments have contributed to its development.

Tell us about Agroelit SRL – what do you do, and what are the main activities of the company?

Agroelit SRL specializes in the cultivation of organic cereals and oilseeds, using sustainable technologies. We focus on quality and energy efficiency, integrating innovative solutions to reduce environmental impact. An important step in this direction was the investment in solar panels, which help us optimize energy costs and ensure the continuity of production processes. From humble beginnings, Agroelit SRL has grown through innovation and efficiency, consolidating its position in the organic agriculture sector and providing innovative solutions for the environment.

What motivated you to invest in energy-efficient equipment?

The investment in energy-efficient equipment was determined by several influencing factors, the most significant of which was the energy crisis. Given the rising energy costs and the uncertainty surrounding energy supply, we realized the importance of securing a stable energy source that is less dependent on market fluctuations. Additionally, we were motivated by the opportunities offered by subsidy programs for investments in agricultural businesses. These programs allowed us to take an important step toward modernizing our infrastructure, reducing costs, and increasing business productivity. Thus, the investment in solar panels was a strategic choice to ensure a constant energy source at reduced costs, as well as to contribute to reducing our carbon footprint and aligning with international sustainability standards.

What benefits have you noticed after installing the solar panels?

After installing the solar panels and implementing other energy solutions, we have observed significant energy savings and easier management of financial risks, especially in the context of rising energy prices. Producing in the organic agricultural system provides us with more security against climate change and market fluctuations, helping us mitigate risks related to drought and frost. These advantages are truly valuable for our business.

How did you learn about Microinvest, and what aspects are important in your collaboration with our company?

We learned about Microinvest through recommendations. Over the years, Microinvest has built a solid, trustworthy reputation based on professionalism, offering us customized financial solutions suitable for our sector. This was a decisive factor in choosing the institution as a partner in the development of our business. Flexibility, personalized approach, and the speed of the application process are just a few of the aspects that convinced us to collaborate with Microinvest.

Why do you think it is important for businesses to adopt sustainable practices?

Sustainability has become an essential pillar for business development. In a world where natural resources are increasingly limited, adopting eco-friendly and resource-efficient solutions helps businesses become more resilient to economic and climate changes. Additionally, consumers and investors are becoming more conscious of the ecological impact of businesses, and companies that integrate sustainable principles will gain their trust and become more competitive. By investing in eco-friendly technologies and practices, a business can reduce operational costs and contribute to protecting the planet for future generations.

What advice would you give to entrepreneurs who are considering eco-friendly investments?

If I were to give advice to other entrepreneurs considering investing in eco-friendly technologies, it would be not to underestimate the importance of having a trusted financial partner, such as Microinvest, ready to support the development plans of your business. Additionally, continuous education is essential – invest in training your staff and developing your own skills. Remember, the success of a business depends not only on the technology you invest in but also on the people who manage it.

*Microinvest is the only financial organization in Moldova that holds the GOLD international certification in customer protection (according to the Cerise+SPTF Client Protection standards and methodology). This involves a responsible and transparent crediting process, fair financing, and a constructive approach to any request.

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