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How do you learn to read 1000 words per minute? Learn the success

Noticing the lack of educational activities for children in small towns, young entrepreneur Dana Golban decided to create an educational center for children where they can develop their basic skills through modern and engaging learning methods. So, 5 years ago, she opened an academy for children between the ages of 4 and 14 in her hometown of Drochia. In just a few years, the educational center has grown rapidly, expanding to Moldova and Romania.

To develop and expand her business to new locations, the entrepreneur turned to Microinvest for fast, responsible and flexible lending.

Read the success story of the Genius Academy, business financed by Microinvest.

Dana, tell us how the idea for the business came about and how long have you been doing it?

The idea of starting a business in the education sector has been with me for a long time. I am originally from Drochia, where I worked in the financial sector and had the opportunity to interact with several entrepreneurs. Having a sister and a brother, I realized that kids in small towns don’t have a lot of opportunities to spend their free time. There was a need that no one was filling, and I wanted to bring a change for community. A friend of mine who works in education suggested that I open a children’s academy, and I decided to follow her advice. I started researching modern methods of teaching children, found a suitable space and turned it into a friendly and pleasant place for children to study. Until the business was up and running, every detail – from organizing the space to implementing customer experience solutions – went through my hands. And so, on September 1, 2019, we opened the doors of the first Genius Academy in Drochia. Today, we can proudly say that we have 12 branches in Moldova and even managed to go abroad, opening two branches in Romania.

What kinds of activities for children are organized at Genius Academy?

Genius Academy is an educational center for children ages 4 to 14. Our team helps children develop important skills such as attention, creativity, concentration and speed of information processing. I like to call our academy a “brain gym”. We have two main courses: soroban and anzan. This is a Japanese mental arithmetic technique in which children use their imagination to visualize the movement of abacus balls. We have even created our own methodology inspired by international institutes. Another course is speed reading and creative thinking, where children are trained to accelerate their reading speed and improve their ability to memorize effectively. We use a device unique for Moldova, which develops photographic reading, allowing them to read up to 1000 words per minute with full comprehension. For both courses, we have developed special notebooks and a game platform that help children to practice at home in a fun way.

How do you maintain long-term success in your business?

The secret of the business is adaptability and consistency. In education, which is a narrow niche, we offer two clear, long-term courses, and parents quickly see results in their children, which motivates them to continue learning. Another secret is employee retention. At a time when staff turnover can affect the quality of service, I invest heavily in the working environment to make my staff feel valued and well paid.

How did cooperation with Microinvest help you and what impressions did this experience leave you with?

My partnership with Microinvest started about 3 years ago when I needed financing. The process was quick and easy. I really felt the support of a reliable partner, because Microinvest is always ready to help entrepreneurs by offering financial solutions exactly when they are needed most. I appreciate the fact that they analyze the client’s profile as a whole, taking into account many factors. The flexibility and personalized approach in lending is also a great advantage. It can take just a few hours from application to money transfer, which is a huge advantage. I am very happy that I used investment loans to expand my location and plan to work with them in the future.

Dana, how much do you think loan is an advantage for businesses?

Whether it is a small or large business, there is not always excess cash to reinvest. In my opinion, business requires constant investment. A loan accelerates the growth of your business by providing quick access to capital and increasing profitability. But entrepreneurs must properly assess their repayment and borrowing capacity, and that’s where Microinvest comes in. Before granting a loan, they conduct a detailed financial analysis, indicate the maximum borrowing capacity and offer customized solutions so that the client can easily repay the loan and avoid it becoming a burden. A loan is certainly an advantage, as it allows for faster development, but of course, there is a price to pay for any service.

*Microinvest is the only financial organization in Moldova that holds the international GOLD certificate in the field of customer protection. This signifies a responsible and transparent lending process, fair and transparent financing, and a constructive approach to any request.

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