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“From the passion for music to a restaurant in Chisinau, overlooking the forest” the success story of two musicians and friends

In 2020, the Attico restaurant has certainly become one of the most picturesque terrace locations in Chisinau. There, keeping the social distance and other pandemic norms, we could relax from the challenges of 2020 and indulge in the most delicious dishes. Although it was a “fresh” business in the HoReCa field, its founders, Mihai Sanduta and Serghei Mitu have managed to create a sound name, attracting their customers with a personalized menu and a special location.

Musicians by profession, the two friends have always dreamed of their own place, where they could combine their two passions: music and event management. Lo and behold, 2 years ago, on December 22, 2018, they opened the doors of Attico restaurant, with an imposing terrace, skilled chefs, and good music, of course. They stepped right into the world of entrepreneurship, and from the first day, the new gastronomic location was enjoyed by long-awaited guests.

“Launching a business in Moldova is very challenging, but also exciting if you know how to plan every step. When I came here, there was absolutely nothing, just empty walls and a construction sketch. All our friends and acquaintances were eagerly waiting for us to open, and it motivated us even more that we were going the right way. The collaboration with Microinvest began shortly after the inauguration. Even though everything was going well, we needed secure and fast financial support. The credit expert understood our needs from the beginning and we soon applied for our first credit confidently and fearlessly. There are many obstacles but if you have a reliable partner and a good team, everything goes easier,” says Mihai Sanduta, one of the restaurant founders and its administrator.

“We made an emphasis on the picturesque location, good music, and menu with unique meal solutions”

Right at the entrance, you are greeted by the natural decor, welcoming atmosphere, and a mouth-watering smell of gourmet meals. The restaurant’s calling card is the pork steak, prepared according to a special recipe by the chef, to taste which loyal guests come from afar. All dishes on the menu are served with care and prepared from the heart. That’s why practically all guests who come to Attico, eventually, become loyal customers.

“It’s not enough to attract customers in the restaurant, you need to amaze them with service and good food, so they return with pleasure. We have tried to bring something new to Attico that cannot be found elsewhere. The cuisine differs from other places. All we have on the menu is our own product. Each dish was chosen individually with a team of professional chefs. Besides, as owners we are always here with the team. You have to be fully involved in your business if you want to have nice results,” says Serghei Mitu.

“Microinvest has been with us during difficult times, offering us simple and quick solutions”

Entrepreneurship requires hard work, dedication, and courage, especially in the HoReCa sector. Like any business, a restaurant requires permanent investment in development to offer customers only the best. For financial support, the owners applied to Microinvest and were convinced from the start that they had made the right choice. The pandemic didn’t scare them either! After a lockdown period of over 4 months, the restaurant opened its doors in August, keeping its entire team of over 25 employees and its most loyal customers.

“Pandemic is a sad page in all businesses’ activity, especially restaurants. It was hard to get the news in March, but we mobilized and managed to keep the whole team together and hoped that everything would resolve successfully. Only in August, we managed to reopen our doors. We were also fortunate that Microinvest offered us a payment holiday throughout this period. In general, we have a positive opinion about the collaboration with Microinvest. They understood us from the beginning, and most importantly, they believed in us. In business, quick solutions in financial support are indispensable, especially in less favorable times”, told us confidently Mihai Sanduta.

Because it was the beginning of the year, when everyone was thinking about plans for 2021, the two entrepreneurs didn’t hesitate to share their big goals for the future. They want to remain on the list of preferred locations for their loyal customers, overcome the crisis created by the pandemic situation and maybe, in a few years, even create a restaurant chain.

“We like what we do, and we definitely see ourselves in this field in the future. We want to expand and perhaps open our restaurant chain in Chisinau and why not, throughout Moldova. At the same time, we shall not forget about the music. For those who choose to hold their private events with us, we offer the whole package, from the hall, decor, cake, to music and dancers. This year events were few and very small, due to the pandemic. We hope that 2021 will be better for us who work in the HoReCa sector”, says Serghei Mitu with confidence.

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