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“Even the most successful entrepreneurs encounter challenges, but these are what make them stronger” – Ignat Andrei, entrepreneur, Microinvest client

The story of the flower brand “Muza” began with a family business. Young entrepreneur Ignat Andreo, inspired by his parents’ experience, decided to develop his own direction by launching flower sales in supermarkets and then creating his own flower warehouse. The company now offers a large range of flowers, works with wholesale customers and supports local growers.

Learn from the interview with the “Muza” founder, a Microinvest client, how to build a successful flower business, what trends are relevant now and what support Microinvest provided in the development of his flower shop.

What inspired you to choose the flower business?

Initially, it was my parents’ idea – they have been in the flower business since the 90s. In 2012, after graduating from university, I was playing football professionally and wasn’t sure whether I wanted to link my life with sport. Then I got the idea to sell flowers in supermarkets – it was a common practice in other countries. We started with one shop, and soon our flowers appeared in the whole Linella chain. It was then that I decided to set up my own company and work independently. In 2016, I opened a flower shop, naming it in honour of my daughter – “Muza”.

Andrei, what can clients find at “Muza”?

Our assortment includes a wide range of flowers: roses, hydrangeas, tulips, freesias, peonies, peony roses, exotic flowers – everything depends on the season. We also have indoor plants of all kinds and sizes. We do not just sell flowers, but also create individual bouquets, which we select specifically for each client. In addition, we work with legal entities, offering flowers in wholesale, and have an extensive base of regular clients. And to make plants enjoy their beauty for as long as possible, in “Muza” you can buy flower pots, soil, fertilizers and other products for care.

What are the current trends in the flower business? What do clients choose most often?

Yes, there is no doubt that large monobouquets – 51 or 101 flowers – are in trend now. Most often roses, hydrangeas, tulips are chosen, but other combinations are also possible. Such bouquets look spectacular and become a bright gift for any occasion. In our warehouse it is especially favourable to buy them, as we offer wholesale prices even for retail clients.

Do you grow flowers yourself or work with suppliers?

We have our own greenhouses where we grow tulips and roses. We also co-operate with local growers, buying flowers from them and helping to sell them in our warehouse. For small farms, this is a great opportunity to enter the market, as promoting your own brand requires a significant investment of time and money. We also import flowers from various countries, including the USA, Kenya, Ecuador, Belgium, France, Sweden, the Netherlands, Romania and others. The assortment depends on seasonality and availability of certain varieties.

How long have you been working with Microinvest?

We learnt about Microinvest around 2016 when we were just starting out. At that time, we faced a great demand for our products, but we did not have enough funds to provide the required volume of flowers. Realizing that we didn’t want to spend time gathering a voluminous set of documents, we took the advice of friends who had already worked with Microinvest and decided to apply for financing. We have never regretted our choice – the lending process was fast, without unnecessary bureaucracy and long waiting times. After taking our first loan, we were convinced that it was convenient and efficient, and over time we transferred all lending issues to Microinvest.

What importance, in your opinion, does lending have for entrepreneurs?

I think it is important for companies that really want to develop to realize: without attracted financial resources, business development is a difficult task. There is a stereotype that loan is a risk that it is better to stay away from. However, many people don’t realize that even the largest companies use borrowed funds for growth. Small and medium-sized businesses should not be afraid of this step. The main thing is to carefully weigh the pros and cons, make a clear plan and follow it. Then the loan will not be a burden, but a tool for development.

What do you think is the secret of a successful business?

The secret is simple: not all people are made for business, and not every business is set up in such a way that it is easy to manage. Having your own business means constant development, working without weekends and a willingness to overcome difficulties. Even the most successful entrepreneurs face challenges, but it is these challenges that make them stronger. However, the main factor of success is the team. When professionals are around, everyone brings ideas, supports each other, and together they manage to overcome any difficulties. Unfortunately, not all entrepreneurs realize that the key to development is employees. It is important to motivate them, and then the business will grow steadily.

*Microinvest is the only financial organization in Moldova that holds the international GOLD certificate in the field of customer protection. This signifies a responsible and transparent lending process, fair and transparent financing, and a constructive approach to any request.

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