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“Don’t be afraid to make mistakes, because a mistake is an experience, and experience is strength” – Victor Vilcov, Microinvest client

Every entrepreneur knows that attention to detail and an individual approach to each client are the key to success. These principles guide the operations of Climatec, a company financed by Microinvest, that offers comprehensive solutions in plumbing, heating, and air conditioning. Starting as a modest shop of just 10 square meters in Orhei, the company has grown into a well-known brand in the Moldovan market within a few years.

In a conversation with Victor Vilcov, one of the Climatec co-owners, we explored the journey from an idea to a successful brand in Moldova, and learned about the significant role that cooperation with Microinvest has played in their success.

How did the idea for your business come about and what were the first steps towards its realization?

The genesis of our business was sparked by two friends determined to merge their expertise in sanitary ware and sales. We launched a modest storefront in Orhei, spanning a compact 10 square meters. Embarking on this journey was far from easy; we undertook every task ourselves, from the hands-on assembly of our store’s furniture to managing the minutiae of daily operations, all amidst financial constraints. Yet, driven by an unwavering belief in our vision and relentless perseverance, our efforts began to bear fruit. Two years down the line, we proudly opened a Climatec store in Chisinau. Fast forward another five years, and we expanded our store in Orhei to a sprawling 700 square meters. This marks only the beginning of our story, with the promise of even greater achievements on the horizon.

What makes your store unique and what products are available at Climatec?

Our uniqueness lies in our individualized approach to each client. We aim to foster a relationship that not only encourages our clients to return but also inspires them to recommend us to their friends and family. Climatec provides comprehensive solutions in plumbing, heating, and air conditioning – from the point of purchase to installation. Customers will discover a variety of products designed to enhance comfort and efficiency, including boilers, air conditioners, and heat pumps, all of which are especially beneficial for saving on expenses during the colder seasons. Additionally, for those looking to add a touch of elegance and functionality to their bathrooms, we offer a selection of high-quality bathtubs, shower cabins, and furniture.

Where are you located and what other useful services do you offer to customers?

Currently, we operate three expansive stores situated in Chisinau, Orhei, and Ungheni, each featuring an extensive selection of products. We meticulously choose our suppliers to ensure that our inventory not only meets the highest standards of quality and functionality but also aligns with contemporary design trends. Additionally, for customers who prefer the convenience of online shopping, our comprehensive online store caters to their needs. Here, customers have the opportunity to consult with our experts, explore our wide product range, place orders, and utilize our delivery and installation services.

What secrets of successful business in Moldova would you highlight and what would you recommend to young entrepreneurs?

The secret to running a successful business is perseverance and a determined focus on results. More importantly, it is a genuine belief in yourself and the ability to enjoy what you do. When you truly love what you do, it becomes your powerful engine that helps you overcome all obstacles on the way to success. I will never stop repeating: “Don’t be afraid to make mistakes, because a mistake is experience, and experience is strength.

Tell us about the cooperation with Microinvest and how it helped to develop your business?

Five years ago, we started working with Microinvest, opening up the possibility for our customers to buy their favorite goods on credit or by installments. This service turned out to be very popular, as it allowed customers to buy high-quality goods. Thanks to Microinvest, we had the opportunity to turn customers’ needs into real purchases, bringing satisfaction to both buyer and seller. When we faced the challenge of expanding our inventory, we turned to Microinvest. We were impressed not only by the speed of decision making, but also by the competence of the specialists who were ready to help us every step of the way. These important qualities convinced us that we made the right choice in financing. We will definitely turn to Microinvest for our next business loan.

*Microinvest is the only financial organization in Moldova that has the international GOLD certificate in the client protection category. It means a responsible and transparent lending process, fair financing and a constructive approach to any request.

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