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“Business is like a marathon: it requires endurance and strength for the long distances”– Veaceslav Olarita, entrepreneur, client and partner of Microinvest

The story of SAUTO Haus, financed by Microinvest, started with an idea caused by practical necessity, when two brothers, Veaceslav and Sergiu Olarita, decided to make quality cars available to Moldovan residents. Today, it is a successful business with multiple services, where clients can buy used cars, use trade-in service and order individual car delivery.

Find out from the interview with Veaceslav Olarita, Microinvest client, what is the secret of successful business in Moldova and what role Microinvest has played in the development of his business.

How did the idea for your business come about?

The idea began out of necessity, which later became our passion. In 2013, my brother Sergiu and I decided to try our luck in business. My brother Sergiu already had considerable experience in this field, so the choice of direction was obvious. Of course, we also took into account the demand on the Moldovan market, because people are always looking for comfort, and a car is one of the most important elements that provide this comfort. It was not easy: the two of us independently found cars, organized their transportation, dealt with the sale and took risks, trusting new partners. I believe that these efforts were what gave us the confidence that we would succeed. Every car sold, every smile of a satisfied customer – all this motivates us to continue.

What is SAUTO Haus specialized in?

SAUTO Haus sells used cars and provides related services such as trade-in and logistics. We focus on the “medium” segment to make our cars affordable for most Moldovans, with prices ranging from 5000 to 30000 euros. Our goal is to offer cars for everyone, so that every client leaves our parking lot happy, with his own car. We cooperate with popular brands known for their quality, mostly from Europe. In 2021 we added a new business line – car sales and transportation for legal entities, providing a comprehensive service from selection to delivery. We also offer car purchase according to individual customer’s request, without restrictions: we can bring any car our clients wish.

Is it difficult to run a family business?

I have never doubted my decision to do business together with my brother. For me, he is not only a close person, but also a reliable partner. With any other partner, I don’t think we would have achieved such success. The most important thing for us is a clear division of responsibilities and trust. I am responsible for the financial part and marketing, Sergiu deals with logistics and the team. Everyone has their own area of responsibility, and this helps us to avoid conflicts and focus on business growth. Of course, there are difficult moments, but we always support each other. We are not just partners – we are a team, and this gives us a special energy and confidence in the future.

You have been working on the automobile market for more than 10 years. What is the secret of successful business in Moldova?

I’ll let you in on our secret: the main thing is to “work, work and work again”. There is no magic here – in order for a business to prosper, you have to act and put in a lot of effort. This may sound a bit too straightforward, but it’s a truth that the new generation of entrepreneurs must understand. There are always many challenges in business, and I don’t see them as difficulties, but as a competition with myself. You know, in running there is a 100-meter sprint and there is a marathon. Business is like a marathon: it requires endurance and strength for long distances. It is this approach that makes us professionals and builds character. The main thing is not to stop and keep moving forward, despite all the obstacles, and then success will definitely come.

You are not only a client, but also a partner in car loans with Microinvest. What do you think about collaborating with our company?

We have really good partnership relations with Microinvest. We were among the first on the market to offer customers the opportunity to access car loans through Microinvest, it gave amazing results –our clients, coming to the parking lot, even without the right amounts in hand, went home with their cars. Together with our manager we were looking for ways to make the lending process as comfortable, qualitative and profitable for clients as possible. Also, we are Microinvest clients ourselves. I can mention that the financial analysis process was easy and fast, it allowed us to put working capital into the business on time without pause. In our sphere, speed is important not to miss profitable deals, and in this Microinvest supports us very much. I am sure that our successful cooperation will continue in the future.

*Microinvest is the only financial organization in Moldova that holds the international GOLD certificate in the field of customer protection. This signifies a responsible and transparent lending process, fair and transparent financing, and a constructive approach to any request.

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