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100% online loans directly in the Microinvest app! Discover the new features

More and more smartphone users in Moldova prefer managing their finances online. This inspired us to bring personalized credit solutions closer to hardworking people by launching the Microinvest mobile app. Since September, our clients can safely access and manage their loans remotely, directly from their smartphones. There’s no longer a need to visit an office or call the call-center to check payment dates or review transactions. All of this can be done from the comfort of your home, right on your phone. What’s more, in the Microinvest app, you can apply for 100% online loans. Sounds great, doesn’t it?

Let us tell you how the Microinvest app has evolved in the 3 months since its launch and what new features it now offers to our clients.

More than 18,500 users have downloaded the Microinvest app!

Simplifying processes and direct access to personalized services are important steps in transforming the way customers interact with our financial services. Adapting to clients’ needs in the digital era has become essential. The new digital tool from Microinvest offers numerous benefits, from applying for loans remotely to tracking application statuses, active loans, payment history, and completing documents online.

"Creating the mobile application was not just a technological step but a true transformation for our company. We started this project with a clear goal: to make our interaction with clients as simple and intuitive as possible. Alongside developing the app, we automated several internal processes, enabling us to make decisions much faster. As a result, our clients gain not only a user-friendly application but also a reliable partner who is always there, offering fast and personalized solutions. This is just the beginning of our journey toward complete digitalization."

People are looking for fast, accessible, and efficient solutions, and the Microinvest app was created to meet these needs. It helps clients save time and manage their loans from the comfort of their homes. Whether it’s a loan for business, renovations, or personal needs, you can apply quickly and easily through our mobile app.

"Microinvest clients have constant access right from their mobile phones to information about active loans, a fully digital application process, instant and efficient customer support, as well as the latest offers and products. In the past, clients had to call us or visit an office, but now all loan information is available directly on their phones. Moreover, they can apply for loans at any convenient time and receive the funds directly into their accounts. We are pleased to hear that the app significantly enhances our clients' lending experience, saving them time."

The Microinvest app will also expand its features to support business clients

To keep up with the latest trends, the Microinvest app is constantly being updated. New features are planned to make the lending process even easier for both, individual and business clients.

"The app can be downloaded by anyone from Google Play or Apple Store, and registration is done using a phone number. Currently, 100% online loans are only available for individual clients, but we are not stopping there. We plan to expand functionality to include business clients, providing them with fast and convenient access to financial services without the need for a physical visit. Additionally, we are preparing to integrate the MIA payment system, which will allow loan repayments without fees. In the near future, we also plan to introduce instant disbursements, enabling clients to receive a loan – from application to funds transfer – within just a few minutes. Our goal is to make our app a comprehensive digital consultant, offering personalized recommendations and quick answers to our clients' questions."

*Microinvest is the only financial organization in Moldova that holds the international GOLD certificate in the field of customer protection. This signifies a responsible and transparent lending process, fair and transparent financing, and a constructive approach to any request.

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